Monday 22 February 2016

Different types of love

Courtly love:

Pygmalion: Falling in love with your creation (

Neoplatonic love: Beauty is God (

Petrarchan Lover: Unrequited Love (see below)

The Petrarchan Lover suffers from unrequited love—the love is not returned or reciprocated, loves from afar. Often the object of love doesn’t even know someone is pining for her.

Idealizes—falls in love with an ideal, a vision of perfection, rather than a human being with strengths AND weakness. Falls in love with an idea—an idea of a person, the idea of love.

Idolizes—Turns the lover into an idol, an object of worship. Puts the lover on a pedestal (she’s high above/he’s a lowly peon), worships her from afar, compares her to a goddess or something holy.

This is not truly love. This is infatuation.

Infatuation—in love with the idea of love rather than a real person/ is in love with love/ is in love with longing rather than having


  • uses blazon to catalogue physical beauty and physical characteristics (similes and metaphors)
  • uses conceit—exaggerated metaphors
  • uses elaborate, flowery, exaggerated, embellished, artificial language
    Petrarchan love is not a sexual love.

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