Tuesday, 15 December 2015

The Tempest - In Our Time


Here are your categories of topic as they appear in the programme.
Write them down in boxes, or with some space underneath them. You'll only need two or three bullet points per category.

They appear in roughly this order but sometimes you'll want to jump back to add info to an earlier box. It's a conversation so it jumps around a bit.

In case you ever want to reference this (which you will), note that the speakers are:
Katherine Duncan-Jones (terrifying posh woman)
Erin Sullivan (youngish, normalish sounding woman)
Jonathan Bate (man not asking questions)
And the whole thing is with Melvyn Bragg on In Our Time on BBC Radio 4, November 2013.


Political background

Theatrical advances

Exploration and discovery

Lamontaigne's essays 



Characters (Prospero, Caliban etc)


Law, order, government

The Nature of Theatre

Texts inspired by the Tempest

Michel de Montaigne - big influence on Shakespeare?

New Statesman article on Shakespeare's debt to de Montaigne:

Summary of de Montaigne's essays and ideas:

Thursday, 3 December 2015

Science and society - holiday homework

Holiday homework
Pick at least one film, one tv show and one book from the list below. In each case, consider the following questions as you watch… then answer them when you’re done.
Note down your answers and bring them into school for discussion.
How has science progressed in this film from the current world you live in?
Which current, actual scientific advances does this film exaggerate?
Which current social problems become exaggerated as a result?
Are there any individual humans whose character traits make things worse, or better? What are those character traits and what effect do they have on other people?
TV shows:
Black Mirror  - you’ll find it here
Series 1 episode 2
Series 1 episode 3
Series 2 all the way through
And the Christmas special.
Ex Machina
Never Let Me Go
Children of Men
Terminator 1 and 2
Make sure you read  The Handmaid’s Tale, and answer the questions above.
There will be a test on your reading of the Handmaid's Tale during the first lesson back.

Philosophy in a Nutshell

Huge philosophical ideas squeezed into tiny little nutshells: