Our Essay Prize is back! This year we have a new judge, the
best-selling novelist Robert Harris, AND a new
is your favourite character from English literature and why?
Is it, say, Virginia Woolf’s Orlando or plucky, headstrong
Bathsheba from Far From the Madding Crowd? Or
perhaps you prefer a contemporary character like Piscine Molitor
Patel from Life of Pi or the enigmatic Jay Gatsby?
Whoever it is, if you’re a sixth-form student studying English Literature
(including Scottish Highers), then you now have an opportunity to make
your case. The prize this year is £500, a full set
of Connell Guides and your essay published! Two
runners up will receive a £100 gift card to spend at Connell

Entries should be no more than 1,500 words and they should be
submitted by 20th February 2016. Entries can
be submitted from today.
Essays will be
judged this year by Robert Harris, the author of Fatherland,
Enigma and The Ghost.
His latest thriller, An Officer and a Spy, is
based on the infamous Dreyfus case in France in the late 1890s.
Harris has been a strong supporter of Connell Guides from the outset,
describing them as “clear, elegant and authoritative… worthy of the great
masterpieces they analyse”. We are very pleased he has agreed to judge our
essay competition this year.
Here is Robert Harris talking about what he likes about Connell

We look forward to reading your essays!
With best wishes,
The Connell Guides Team
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